Creative Upbringing
As a student at the Academy of Art University, Deanna flourished into a professional Designer by practicing alongside world-renowned professors; Deanna was guided to discover many mediums and develop her own architectural ideas.
The Out·li·ers
Spring 2020 | A collaborative Project
Deanna Matlock, Breki Einarsson, Mazen Ghaly, Tristan Cruz
Working Alongside her peers, Deanna gravitated towards a united front and created a vortex of ideas through concrete planning and establishing a taxonomy of rules and concepts. Deanna and her group led viewers on a journey of an explosive powerplant that spread across Chicago's neighborhoods. Within the explosions, landscapes and structures formed a new dimension of possibilities.
The Parts
Sprin 2019
Contextualizing solid voids in many forms, Deanna created a series of cubes to better understand the power of light and dark. These cubes made rules which Deanna used to develop The passage.